Friday, 19 August 2011

How To Write A CV For A Job

How To Write A CV For A Job

Write a CV is not a difficult Task but makes that CV a Winning CV For a job is much difficult. So even many Professional Pay much amount to the Best CV Writer for the purpose of CV Writing. Winning CV is the as best and appealing to the Selection group for a particular job. How to write a CV for a job you desire is an easy thing to do. You only need to keep in mind a few main ideas. And you have to focus on writing for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Your CV needs be relevant to the particular job that you want. Everything you write has to be aimed at increasing your chances. So, don’t add irrelevant pieces of information or other any other items that could distract the recruiter.

Here’s what you have to know about how to write a CV for a job:

1: Add your full name and contact information

On the very first page, in the upper left corner, please add your full name, your physical address, your primary email address and a phone number. In addition, you can also add one more phone number, your birthday and your nationality.

2: Add a profile section

The profile section in your CV is like an “about me” page. Its aim is to describe your career goals and personality in a concise way. It should contain less than 7 phrases. Mention your personality traits, your career goals and the kind of company you are looking for and why.

3: Write about your professional experience

Your professional experience is probably the most important thing in your CV. The recruiter prefers people who have experience in doing the work that they will be required to perform.

4: Your education level

Mention all the degrees you have. Write your speciality, the beginning and the end dates for each education milestone and any other relevant information.

5: List your awards and other achievements

Your list of awards, diplomas and achievements show that you are a competitive hard working person who is among the best in his or her field.

6: Expand on your language skills

List all the languages you know. Mention your level for all the 3 main skills of language learning: writing, reading and speaking.

7: Type your computer skills and qualifications

Do you know how to use a computer? What do you know to do with your computer? The answers to these questions will be enough for this section.

8: List your hobbies

Your hobbies tell to your future employer what kind of person you are in your spare time. They like people who have a life outside work. Your future colleagues will not be only the people you work with. They will also be your future friends.

9: Add a 2 or 3 referees

The referees are important people who know you and who know about your expertise level in a particular field. A referee can be your boss from a previous job, a respected person from the university you attended or someone who simply knows you personally. Make sure your referees know that you put their name in your CV. This is because they will be probably be contacted by your future employer.

Here’s what you have to know about how to write a CV for a job:

1: Add your full name and contact information

On the very first page, in the upper left corner, please add your full name, your physical address, your primary email address and a phone number. In addition, you can also add one more phone number, your birthday and your nationality.

2: Add a profile section

The profile section in your CV is like an “about me” page. Its aim is to describe your career goals and personality in a concise way. It should contain less than 7 phrases. Mention your personality traits, your career goals and the kind of company you are looking for and why.

3: Write about your professional experience

Your professional experience is probably the most important thing in your CV. The recruiter prefers people who have experience in doing the work that they will be required to perform.

4: Your education level

Mention all the degrees you have. Write your speciality, the beginning and the end dates for each education milestone and any other relevant information.

5: List your awards and other achievements

Your list of awards, diplomas and achievements show that you are a competitive hard working person who is among the best in his or her field.

6: Expand on your language skills

List all the languages you know. Mention your level for all the 3 main skills of language learning: writing, reading and speaking.

7: Type your computer skills and qualifications

Do you know how to use a computer? What do you know to do with your computer? The answers to these questions will be enough for this section.

8: List your hobbies

Your hobbies tell to your future employer what kind of person you are in your spare time. They like people who have a life outside work. Your future colleagues will not be only the people you work with. They will also be your future friends.

9: Add a 2 or 3 referees

The referees are important people who know you and who know about your expertise level in a particular field. A referee can be your boss from a previous job, a respected person from the university you attended or someone who simply knows you personally. Make sure your referees know that you put their name in your CV. This is because they will be probably be contacted by your future employer.

Best CV Format in Pakistan

Best CV Format in Pakistan

Best Curriculum Vitae Format in Pakistan

Writing an CV to get a job is not a difficult task but the best effort to make as correct as it helps us to get a Job is a difficult task in this technological society. CV Writing required a Best Format and because we all know that to drop a CV in Pakistan is easy but Passing through an interview upon the given skills and expertise in Pakistan Jon Section is difficult Task. so Fresh Graduates and even Masters think and serve most of the time at what format a CV is? CV Writing is a art and every one specially in Pakistan can seek this art as the time Passes. Therefore the Best CV Format in Pakistan is given below and Writing the CV through these Processes can lead us to the Best Format Of CV regrading Pakistan Market.

What is a CV?

Curriculum Vitae an outline of a person’s educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications.

A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications:

It can convey your personal details in the way that presents you in the best possible light and can be used to make multiple applications to employers in a specific career area. For this reason, many large graduate recruiters will not accept CVs and instead use their own application form. An application form is designed to bring out the essential information and the personal qualities that the employer requires and does not allow you to gloss over your weaker points as a CV does. In addition, the time needed to fill out these forms is seen as a reflection of your commitment to the career and the company.

There is no “one best way” to construct a CV:

It is your document and can be structured and presented as you wish within the basic framework set out below. It can be set out on paper or on-line or even on a T-shirt (a gimmicky approach that might work for “creative” jobs but is not generally advised!).

When should a CV be used?

  1. When an employer asks for applications to be received in this format
  2. When an employer simply states “apply to…” without specifying the format
  3. When making speculative applications (i.e. when writing to an employer who has not actually advertised a vacancy but who you hope my have one)

What information should a CV include?

  1. CV Heading (Don’t write curriculum Vitae or CV in heading)
  2. Just start with your Name in capital, Large & Bold font and then write your Address, Email, Contact details with normal font, Don’t hesitate to put your latest photo on the right side)
  3. Personal Profile (Write 1 or 2 lines about about your goals)
  4. Personal details (Put your decent passport size color photo)
  5. Education & qualifications (Latest qualification always comes at top)
  6. Diploma / Certificate (optional)
  7. Work experience (Not for Fresh Job seekers)
  8. Skills (Carefully write about your skills & don’t go beyond the limit)
  9. Interests and achievements (optional)
  10. Reference (Don’t give a reference until employer ask for it)Best CV Format in Pakistan
The order in which you present these, and the emphasis which you give to each one, will depend on what you are applying for and what you have to offer. For example, the lists the candidate’s relevant work experience first.
If you are applying for more than one type of work, you should have a different CV tailored to each career area, highlighting different aspects of your skills and experience.
A personal profile at the start of the CV can sometimes be effective for jobs in competitive industries such as the media or advertising, to help you to stand out from the crowd. It needs to be original and well written. Don’t just use the usual hackneyed expressions: “I am an excellent communicator who works well in a team….”
You will also need a covering letter to accompany your CV.
What makes a good CV?

There is no single “correct” way to write and present a CV but the following general rules apply:
  1. It is targeted on the specific job or career area for which you are applying and brings out the relevant skills you have to offer
  2. It is carefully and clearly laid out: logically ordered, easy to read and not cramped
  3. It is informative but concise
  4. It is accurate – in content, spelling and grammar

How long should a CV be?

There are no absolute rules on this but, in general, a new graduate’s CV should cover no more than two sides of A4 paper. If you can summarise your career history comfortably on a single side, this is fine and a one-page CV has many advantages when you are making speculative applications and need to put yourself across as concisely as possible. However, you should not leave out important items, or crowd your text too closely together, in order to fit it onto that single side. However academic and technical CVs may be much longer – up to 4 or 5 sides sometimes.

Tips on presentation

  1. Your CV should be carefully and clearly laid out – not too cramped but not with large empty white spaces either. Use bold and italic typefaces for headings and important information
  2. Never back a CV – each page should be on a separate sheet of paper. It’s a good idea to put your name in the footer area so that it appears on each sheet.
  3. Be concise - a CV is an appetiser and should not give the reader indigestion. Don’t feel that you have to list every exam you have ever taken, or every activity you have ever been involved in – consider which are the most relevant and/or impressive.
  4. Be positive - put yourself over confidently and highlight your strong points. For example, when listing your A-levels, put your highest grade first.
  5. Be honest – although a CV does allow you to omit details (such as exam resits) which you would prefer the employer not to know about, you should never give inaccurate or misleading information.
  6. If you are posting your CV, don’t fold it – put it in a full-size A4 envelope so that it doesn’t arrive creased.


Times New Roman is the standard windows “serif” font. A safe bet – law firms seem to like it! A slightly more interesting serif font might be Georgia.
Arial is the standard windows “sans” font. Sans fonts don’t have the curly bits on letters. As you can see it’s cleaner and more modern than Times and also looks larger in the same “point” size (the point size is simply how big the letters are on the page.) However Arial and Times Roman are so common that they’re a little boring or Geneva – these are both common sans fonts.
FONT SIZE is normally 12 points for the normal font with larger sizes for subheadings and headings or 10 points. My own favorite CV font is 10 point Verdana
14 points is too big – wastes space and looks crude.

and 8 or 9 points too small to be easily readable by everyone, especially in Times New Roman.
Although many people use 12 points, some research on this suggested that smaller point size CVs were perceived as more intellectual!

Targeting your CV

If your CV is to be sent to an individual employer which has requested applications in this format, you should research the organisation and the position carefully.
If your CV is to be used for speculative applications, it is still important to target it – at the very least, on the general career area in which you want to work. This will enable you to tailor the CV to the work and to bring out your own relevant experience.
Even if you are using the same CV for a number of employers, you should personalize the covering letter – e.g. by putting in a paragraph on why you want to work for that organization.

  1. Many employers who accept applications in CV format are happy for you to send your CV as an attachment to an email.
  2. Put your covering letter as the body of your email: It’s probably wise to format it as plain text (use the format heading on Outlook Express to do this), as then it can be read by any email reader.
  3. Your CV is then sent as an attachment: normally in MS Word format, but HTML and PDF format are acceptable alternatives. Also say you’ll send a printed CV if required.
  4. Email it back to yourself: first to check it email CV Data to yourself
After The Detailed Guideline you are able to visualize the CV Samples Given Below

CV Design And Samples
Here are the Writing Methodology For your CV

How To Write A CV For A Job
Cover Letter Can Makes The CV eye Catching

How To Write A CV Or Resume Cover Letter For A Job

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography is one of the most challenging arts if you are considering becoming a professional in this. If you don't have a photo studio, then you can always start by concentrating on environmental portraits through which you can show the subject as well as his surroundings. The best work is the one that can produce an enlarged image of the size 11x14 inches. If the image is any smaller than this then the subject's face will look too small. You will require the help of a low ISO setting, prime lenses, a tripod, and a mid-range digital SLR.

There are two basic elements for portrait photography in a photo studio. The first one is a controlled background. You will have to focus all your attention on the subject and at the same time minimize or remove the distracting elements in the frame. A common mistake made by many portrait photographers is the use of seamless paper or various monochromatic backgrounds. What you need to understand is that you don't require a special room to create a controlled background. There are various types of clever portable backdrops and backdrop supports, which you can build or even buy. Inspite of all this, if you are still unable to control the background, then the next best thing is to use a long fast lens like a 300/2.8. A fast telephoto lens will have very little depth of field and hence the eyes and the nose of your subject will be sharp. The distraction in the frame will become a blurry blob of colors.

The second most important element of a portrait studio is controlled lighting. If you have lights kept on stands or if you can hang them from the ceiling then it will be easier to pick the angle at which light will strike the subject. The use of umbrellas and various diffusion equipments will help you to pick the harshness of the shadows on your subject. Backgrounds have always played an important role bringing out the details in a portrait photograph. So if you can’t find a big open space with diffuse light and a neutral background then you will have to steal one

Here are some key factors of portrait photography. The first one is:

The best lighting condition for portraits is soft and off-camera. If you have a large north-facing window or the soft-box then it will work very well. For shooting outdoors, an overcast day or sky will provide a perfect lighting condition. If there’s sun outside then you can use an electronic flash or a reflector to fill in shadows underneath the eyes.

The best way to flatter your subject is by de-emphasizing the nose. This means that you will have to stand at least 10 feet away from your subject. The problem that arises in this case is filling your frame with the subject's face since you are standing at 10 feet. To deal with this problem, you will require a high magnification or telephoto lens. Typical portrait lenses vary between 90 and 135 millimeters long for 35mm cameras.

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding is not just an event but it is journey that two people have decided to take. Wedding photography may not be a mainstream or commercial photography but it is still an art. It should not be considered to be anything less than serious photography. In fact it is one of the most demanding disciplines of professional work. If you are an aspiring wedding photographer then there are certain key areas that you need to understand. One of the key areas is strategy. Even before you can think about the camera to use, the film roll, the lighting and the background, you need to work on a strategy.

A sound strategy means that you would be able to create opportunities by the numbers. You will have to create an opportunity in every situation. Most wedding photographers take two versions of the same shot to eliminate blinks and at the same time they are able to introduce variety. The norm of wedding photography is to shoot a full-length photo, which is followed by a head and shoulders or half-length photo. Secondly, you will have to create a list of photographs that should be or can be taken during wedding. The list drawn by most professionals include photographs of Bride at home, preparations/wedding dress, parents, bridesmaids, bridesmaids – group photo, bride and bridesmaids, bride and chief bridesmaid, bride and family, parents and bride, mother and bride, father and bride, brothers, sisters and bride, parents and bridesmaids, extended family and any special request.

These will be followed by photographs in the church or outdoors after the wedding ceremony is over. One of the favorite shots is where the bride walks through the aisle. You can take good photos using a tripod so that the flash can bounce from a reflector at around f/5.6 followed by a shutter speed of 1/8 or 1/15 of a second. This will allow ambient light to seep in. If you are not using the tripod then you will need to have one stop less than the normal where the flash will reflect on an 80mm lens and the shutter speed will be 1/30 of a second.

There are basically two types of cameras used for wedding photography. One is the 35mm and the other is a medium format. The 35mm cameras create grainier appearance when the photograph is enlarged as compared to a medium format. Another aspect of photography that you need to know about is the camera film. The camera film is available in both B&W and color. The color film is the most popular one but off late B&W photos are coming to the forefront. The good thing about black & white film is that you can create an artistic look. Secondly, the B&W photos last longer than their colored counterpart. The salient point of color films is that they are more versatile. If you shoot with a color film then you will be able to portray the details of the wedding day. If you are using a 35mm camera for the occasion then your best bet will be 100, 200 or 400 speed film. The 100 speed film gives best quality prints in strong sunlight, the 200 speed film can be used in sunlight as well as shade and the 400 speed film is the best for low light.

Stock Photography

Stock Photography

Stock Photography is as a popular way of taking photographs of anything from nature to portraits and can be either sold over the Internet or displayed in photo albums. The reality is that there are more stock photographers around the world than in any other photography discipline. Stock Photography follows the same basic principles required for any other photography dealing with backgrounds, lighting, camera, lens, films, subjects etc. The remarkable thing is that there are many amateurs involved. For example, you can go for a mountaineering expedition and use your SLR or digital camera to take pictures of the base camp. If the picture comes out as an excellent composition then you can always display it on your website.

The standard format for stock photographs is 6x7cm and the smallest format is 6x4.5cm. Initially, the 6x4.5cm appealed more to most photographers because the image proportions of this format matched those from the 35mm. The camera and lens used for the 6x4.5cm is compact and small and can be carried around with ease. You will get around 15 shots with a roll of 120 speed film. It was not long back when the 6x4.5cm was rejected as the image size was no different from 35mm. This led to the introduction of the 6x6cm, which is a traditional size for medium-format photographs. The 6x6cm is ideal for fashion and portrait photography and even for social photography. But if you are specializing in nature or landscape photography then the square format of the 6x6cm will limit certain elements used in the composition of the photo. There will be more cropping, which will defeat the entire purpose of taking a stock photograph.

This leaves you with three options, which are 6x7cm, 6x8cm and 6x9cm. If you are in love with the 3:2 proportions of a 35mm, then the 6x9cm will seem like the ideal solution because it will offer the same ratio. The only camera available in this format is the Fuji GSW690III. The limitation of this format is that it will be difficult to use it with a polariser and neutral density graduates. The next option is the 6x8cm but it is not good enough for stock photography. The only model available for this is the Fuji GX680. So this will leave you with only one option, which is the 6x7cm.

So now you know why the 6x7cm is considered as the ideal format for stock photography. Due to the rectangular image of the 6x7cm, it is easier and possible to create a dynamic composition, which can be horizontal as well as upright. The image size is also bigger and is five times that of the 35mm. One small limitation if you perceive it as a limitation is that you will get 10 frames only in a 120 film roll. But the good part is that due to the increased image size, you will be able to enlarge without any considerable loss of quality. The other key thing is that the 6x7cm color transparency is very impressive on a lightbox as compared to the 35mm and 6x4.5cm.

If you are aspiring to be a >stock photographer then you need to start with the 6x7cm.

Stare Online Photography School

Think back in time to a point where capturing a moment in time was particularly important to you. Like most people you probably pulled out your camera and snapped the shot only to discover after looking at your finished product, that the picture failed to capture the essence of the moment. With increases in camera use and more and more amateurs getting their hands on cameras, unexciting and dull pictures which lack any sense of style or grace are becoming the norm. The result is that Beginner photographers are throwing their photographs in boxes and hiding them in closets throughout their homes only finding a couple of photographs a shoot which are worth of keeping. However, with proper training, this simply doesn't need to be the case.

Stare Online Photography School can teach you how to compose images that enhance what you see in the world. Our online photography course allows you to learn at your own speed and focus on the areas of photography that are of greatest interest to you. Our photography school will teach you how to express yourself creatively, create great pictures, explore a second career, inspire and impress people and lastly, our course will give you a new world perspective and force you to look at your surroundings with a new set of eyes. Our photography course will teach you everything you need to know about taking stunning photographs with whatever type of camera you currently have. As well, because we are an online learning institution you can enroll in our course from anywhere in the world. From North America to South America, from Europe to Asia and Africa. We have had students from around the world. Regardless of where you live you can enroll in our course at no extra cost.

During our course you'll learn fundamental and advanced photographic techniques, get your photographs critiqued by our staff members, get your own personal online student gallery, get one of your photographs published in our online student magazine and you'll also get your own personalized course completion certificate after you've completed the course. Best of all, our course is hundreds of times more affordable than other photography courses on the market today.

Our course will teach you how to compose the perfect picture. We will teach you about various composition techniques, color, style, shape, line manipulation, ISO speeds, texture, monochromatic effects, and other basic and advanced photographic techniques. Our photography course is perfect for photographers wishing to advance their picture taking capabilities. Whether you are a beginner or have been taking pictures for years, our photography school will undoubtedly better you as a photographer. Our past students have given us rave reviews and recommend our photography course to both their friends and family.

Our online photography school was developed by a small group of professional and semi professional photographers. Some have worked as photographers, or photojournalist for such large companies as Disney, Esquire and NBC. Others have won photography and photojournalism awards from around the world. Our course content, coupled with our "one on one" student assistance are just two of the many reasons our students love our photography course.

How Do I Enroll & What Happens Next?


Enrolling in our online photography school is easy. Simply click on "Enroll Today" at the bottom of this page and fill out your personal information. Once you're information is sent to us using our state of the art secure servers you will immediately be redirected to our student learning page. Once you order or program you will be given instructions on how to read and work through the learning material, how to submit your photo's to our online gallery for review by our staff and how to take our online short quizzes and final exam. We have made the ordering process and easy as possible to follow and we hold your hand every step of the way. If at any point if anything goes wrong (i.e. your computer freezes, you lose the learning material) just email us and we'll fix the problem immediately.

A Bit More About the Photography Course...


Anybody with a PC wanting to learn more about photography can enroll in our photography course (we currently do not support MAC computers). You don't need any previous experience or schooling. Our course consists of 10 lessons, 6 quizzes, 9 optional assignments and one final exam. You'll need to score over 60% on the final exam before being issued your course completion certificate in the mail. Most of our students finish the course in about a month. However, some finish much quicker while others take longer to complete the course. There are no deadlines or start times. You can start learning as soon as you sign up and finish whenever you like. All learning is completed online and all learning material is digital which means you don't need to wait for anything in the mail. You can literally start learning as soon as your order gets processed.

What Is the Photography Enrollment Fee?


As we mentioned earlier, our photography course is one of the most affordable and highest quality courses online today. We use some of the newest online learning technology, include hundreds of color photographs to help you understand the concepts contained within the learning material, and have real people reviewing and critiquing your work on a lesson by lesson basis. You get all of this for only $125(US). However, we are currently offering a special so if you order before the deadline you'll save 30% and you'll only pay $87.50. This is literally hundreds if not thousands of dollars less than what other photography courses charge their students.

Building your photography portfolio

Building your photography portfolio.

As a photographer there is no greater joy than being recognized for what you love doing. A large part of that recognition will come through the self promotional tactics you employ. One way to ensure you get recognition for what you do is to create a photography portfolio which is second to none.

Step 1) Choosing your theme
You may already have the pictures to create a themed portfolio or you may be planning on capturing them over the next little while. Either way, your portfolio, like a well written book, should have some unifying theme. This theme can be conceptual or it can be technical. For example, your theme could be about courage, love, urban life, rural life, garbage. Alternatively you can create a theme based on photographic technicalities. For example you could create a portfolio showcasing all of your best wide angle work, or one which displays your best black and white work. The themes for creating a portfolio are only limited by your own imagination. So take your time and create a themed portfolio which means something to you.

Step 2) Choosing the photos
Choosing the right photographs to put in your portfolio will be a time consuming process. By the nature of the portfolio itself, only your best pieces should be placed within the portfolio. If you don’t’ have too many top picks spend some more time photographing until you get the desired results. Your portfolio is something you should be proud of, not something thrown together out of impatience and haste.

Your portfolio should be manageable for the viewer to get through. Too often photographers fill pages and pages with photographs that the viewer will skim through to get to the end. Most audiences have short attention spans. Don’t take it personally, it’s simply how we’ve been conditioned to see the world. If you’re photography portfolio is shorter, your audience will be more likely to slow down and spend more time looking at each photograph.

For those of you who have been to art galleries showcasing a particular artist work, you’ll remember, that their showcase was relatively easy to get through. This is because they don’t’ want to clutter the walls and they want to keep your attention the whole time. You must do the same as a photographer. Just because they make photo albums that can hold 500 pictures doesn’t mean you should try to fill it up. Narrow your portfolio down to 20-50 photographs. There is no hard set number you need to follow but this seems to be the range that most audiences would prefer.

Step 3) Showing your work
Now that you’ve put together your portfolio, it’s time to show it off. Keep it in a public space in your house, show your friends and family, but a digital copy online and show it around to galleries and exhibits if you’re looking to sell some of the photographs in your set.

Completing your portfolio is a great feeling. It’s a great internal battle choosing the perfect pictures for your portfolio because it represents you and what you stand for as a photographer. Take your time putting it together, but make sure your complete your project. Too many photographers shoot all day long and fail to present their work properly. Don’t let your photographs sit around in boxes in the closest. Take the best ones out and show them off!

Fine Art Photography

Fine art photography is not necessarily capturing a specific technique or style, it is an issue of self expression. If you want to emulate a certain style that you are aware of, study it and try to recreate it, eventually you will be able to produce beautiful images in the likes of an Ansel Adams or a Diane Arbus. Seriously, it’s generally possible to achieve. Why? Because by doing so you aren’t creating anything more than what’s done before.

But copying someone else’s style is not what fine art photography is about. It’s about creating your own style, having your own voice. In most cases, the person creating their work early in their artistic careers does even understand who or what their voice is. Also in most cases, that understanding of self evolves over your entire lifetime and transitions with you. Look up any artist and view their work throughout their lives and you will begin to understand that process.

If you want to create fine art imagery, you have to move beyond the technical aspects of the camera, as technology will not get your there. Buying the ‘best’ camera, or the latest gadget, will do nothing to make you a good photographer. In fact, many photographers fall in love with inferior cameras, such as the Holga, old Polaroids, and pinhole cameras. It is your eye that is ultimately the only important tool, everything else is just a means of bringing that vision into being.

Of course, understanding your equipment is very important. If you don’t understand the basics, you will never be able to use them to your advantage. Read your camera’s manual and learn as much as you can about how it works and what features it has. All of them will be useful to you at one point or another.

Fine art photography is the process of seeing and recording that vision into something that can be shared, preserved. One of the best exercises for this is the single-subject assignment.

Take one object. It can be anything – a toy, a book, your home, car, or a tree – anything that is stationary. Do not chose an animal or another person, chose something that cannot move on its own. For an entire month spend a portion of every day photographing that same object. Each time, try to find something new about it. Try photographing it from a new different angle, or using a different technique.

Each day will get a bit harder, but each day will also fore you to think differently, especially armed with the knowledge that some things have been done before, and by you. Take time to reflect on every image you’ve taken. Review them, study your work and see what you like, and what you didn’t like. Use that information to try something new. Experiment as much as you can. There are endless ways of looking at an object, if you think you’ve run out of ideas, think harder. Or try recreating a composition you’ve already created and see if you can re-create that same image (it’s actually quite hard to do so).

This will help you being your process of seeing. It will only happen if you open your mind and be receptive to what you are telling yourself in a realistic and practical way.

Once you develop the understanding of seeing, you can apply this to virtually every area of your work. You will be able to literally walk around and see images. With so many possible opportunities, you can then begin the process of matching the right angle, composition and style to your own voice and vision. Between the two, you will create images that will be unforgettable to you and to anyone who you share your work with.


Terry Michael started working with a photojournalist while in high school, and over the years has worked for a variety of national media clients, including AOL and NBC. He currently operates a studio in New York that specializes in wedding and fine art photography. His work
has been shown in galleries throughout the northeast, and he has also been featured on the television series "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" which airs on the Style Network.

More Fine Art Photography Articles

The art of digital photography

Digital photography: The art of digital photography
Many of the techniques used in traditional photography also apply to digital photography. The composition of the picture, use of light, line, shape, pattern, etc. also apply to digital photography. Three elements that are different in digital photography are white balance, picture resolution, and digital effects.
White Balance

In a traditional camera, film records and determines the colors of the scene captured in the photograph. As digital cameras have no film to interpret color, they use white balance settings for this purpose. These settings (called Kelvin temperature ratings) are represented by symbols for sun, indoor light, clouds and shade on most digital displays and can be manually selected. The Auto function, however, enables the camera to adjust the settings automatically. For most non-professional needs, this is quite satisfactory.

Some digital cameras contain a histogram function that will also help you adjust your light exposure.

Digital cameras record images in pixels. If you expand a picture on your computer with graphic software by zooming in on the picture, you will eventually see the picture rendered as a series of colored dots. The more dots per inch in a picture, the higher the resolution. High-resolution photos have better image quality and bigger file sizes as well.

Many digital cameras on the market allow the user to select the low or high-resolution settings. Since resolution affects file size, more of the photos taken in low resolution can be stored in your camera at a time. High-resolution images may saved in BMP, TIFF, or RAW image formats. These are large file type images. High resolution settings vary with each camera. A low resolution setting on one camera is a high resolution setting on another. It all depends on the camera’s megapixel resolution that could be anywhere in the range of .1 megapixels to 9.1 megapixels.

Resolution is an important consideration when buying your digital camera. If you are only going to be using your images on the web, very high-resolution images will not be as mandatory for you (although high resolution graphics allow more manipulation of the graphic in graphics software programs). Web images are typically lower resolution images since file size is a consideration for the web. If you are going to be printing your images, however, high resolution is necessary for a quality print. To be able to expand an image for an 8x10 print is going to require a high-resolution graphic for a good quality photo.

Digital Effects

Many digital cameras also have built-in effects that can be used to change the presentation of your photos. Fisheye is an example of one such feature that will reshape an image giving it a totally different effect. Soft-focus, Portrait, Scene, Landscape, and Wide-angle are some of the focusing effect capabilities that your digital cameral may have. These are nice features to have fun with. If you have a graphics software program, your images can be further manipulated once you have downloaded your images to your computer.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Top 10 Tricks to Earn More From Adsense

Google adsense or also known as Adsense becomes popular nowadays. I am seeing lots of site with some ad serving program. And I also read lots of article proving that a webmaster can really earn when you put adsense on a site or blog. They even forget the eBay and other affiliate programs.

Google Adsense becoming one of the most popular method of placing advertisements in different sites. Putting adsense on your site is very easy. Just copy and paste the codes on your site and then wait for a couple of minutes and then you will see the advertisement. Even a full time mom can do it.

Putting adsense on your site is not enough for you to be able to earn hundreds of dollars. You also need to know the different tricks to earn in no time.

Here are the top 10 tricks that I found from the different Adsense gurus who are sharing their knowledge on how they earn cash through adsense :

1. The color of your ads is one of the trick that you should learn. Make sure that your ads color is the same as your web site palette. Instead of using frames choose the same color as your page background for the ad frame and for the ad background.

2. Avoid using those horizontal banner or leaderboard ads. Because Adsense gurus said that people are blind to those kinds of ads.

3. You can use the Google Heat map for you to know where is the best place to put the adsense on a site. Google has its own Adsense optimization tips for that.

4. Competitive keywords can trigger Adsense ads on a page. You can use a keyword research tool for you to be able to grab the most popular keywords. The more popular your keyword is the higher the adwords advertisers are willing to pay per click for it.

5. Create an ads that looks like your page.

6. Google’s link ad unit seem to have a much higher CTR or Click-Through Rate. There are different ad formats that you can use.

7. You can add some images next to your ads. Those images can draw images to your ads.

8. You can add 3 Adsense ads and 1 link unit on your page ot 1 adsense referral button plus 3 other unit. Make sure that you place those ads to the right place that for your ads not to distract the readers.

9. Focus on a particular niche. Your content that focuses on a particular niche can trigger Adwords ads that closely match the content. This will make your visitor be more interested to click on your ads.

10. Use custom Ad Channels for each of your ad placements, for example, “Top 5 Link Unit Blue Palette” or “Left Side Navigation Image Skyscraper” etc. Tweak, track and measure the success of each of these custom channels so you know what gives you the highest CTR. Some ad formats and colors will work better than others, but you won’t know which until you test, test and test some more!

Source :

How to prevent from getting banned by Google Adsense

Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account banned when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. Considering the money that some are getting from Adsense, those who got banned would certainly want to get back into the program. But why all the hassle when there are clear guidelines which you can easily follow to maintain a good standing Adsense account? Don't get yourself into Click fraud.

Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many website owners are aware of this fraud and are sharing the same sentiment that this is the one biggest problem that Adsense is facing.

How can you prevent from being involved in this fraud?
Majority of web hosts are offering access logs. Once this is offered to you, it is necessary that you hand it over to Google as well. This will allow them to look for any suspicious activity on your site. Problems like this are very serious and giving it to them is like saying that you would want to help them in any way you can in solving the problem.

It can also help if you have a click monitoring software. If you do not have one yet, you should try and get one. There is absolutely no major factor preventing you from having one because most of this software is free. One example is Adlogger! Read a review on Adlogger.

As usual, all the information you have received should be turned over to Google. This is showing Google that you too are fighting against click frauds and is in no way a part of it. Study your server logs and watch for any activity that seems suspicious. Report anything that you may find odd, may it big or small thing.

You may want to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will certainly prevent accidents and will not make Google assume another user as you. You can do through a htaccess file. This will avoid mistakingly clicking on your own ads and be kicked out because of it.

Keep your Adsense off on pop ups and pop unders. Your ads should not be displayed on content sites that promote illegal activity or tampering of the legal rights of other people or business. Included in this are the content that is considered adult and gambling ones. If you think that you may be breaking this rule, immediately remove your content or Adsense from the web page.

Be truthful and confess up to Google about times when you might have clicked on your own ads, whether accidentally or intentionally. Or the times when you have done something that is against the Terms of Service. Be honest about anything that you may have done that is wrong. Confessing is way better than Google learning about it eventually.

Do not tell your family or friends to click on Adsense on your website. Chances are they may start clicking on them to help you make money without you knowing it. They may be doing more harm to you than helping in the first place.

If ever someone you know chanced upon your Adsense, make sure they understand that they cannot click on your ads under any circumstances. It would be wise to brief them on important things about Adsense and what not to do with them.

Most pay per click networks have different measures in hand to protect website owners against click frauds. Other search engines can track more than 50 data points, IP address, browser’s information, user’s session info and pattern recognition. They also have “systems” available that detects fraud. Not to mention the specialized teams monitoring how things are going and helping advertisers stop click frauds.

Do not be caught in the Google click fraud. Be aware and be wary.

Earn money by uploading files on Ziddu !!

This time I will tell you about the other method for making money online. Accord with this post title, i.e. "earn money by uploading files on Ziddu !!" this tips will show you that we can earn more money from the simple way. We can call this tips with Upload - Share and Earn.

How we can do this? Just go to  (ref) and sign up for an account, start to uploading some file, get the links, share the links on your website, and lets earn money from every download trough that links.

Here is the complete profile about (earn money by uploading files).  is a 100% Free File hosting solution provider.

Only people knowing the exact download URL are able to download your file. Your file will be deleted when it has not been accessed for more than 90 days or you use your delete option.

How can you upload your file?

  • Select a file to send by clicking the "Browse" button.
  • Select your file, whether it is a photo, audio, video, documents file.

The maximum file size is 200 MB.

How can I make money online with Ziddu?
  1. Get the link to your file stored on our server, simply copy the link and place it on your blog/website, or just share it with your friends.
  2. You will get $0.001 for each Unique download. For example -for 10000 Unique Downloads you will get paid $10 via Paypal/Moneybookers. 
Referral program:
  • Ziddu also invites affiliates you can join.
  • When someone joins with Ziddu through your referral link and uploads his first file, you will get $0.10 Referral Bonus.
Ok.. How about you? Are you ready to earn money by uploading your files too? Lets join with them  from now!!! 

How to Join AdSense

Once you have 10-15 pages on your site, go to  to apply.
When you are accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any page that you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages, the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.
You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages.  The placement is up to you.  You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.

Tips on Succeeding With AdSense

Here are some tips for achieving success with Google AdSense.
1.  Create a website with your (  Don't try to use a free web host because your site will likely have banners and pop-ups and get rejected because it looks unprofessional. Not to mention, a free web host will give you a website address like this:
instead of...
Start by registering your own domain and then select a web host.
2. If you don't know web programming or have no desire to learn it, get a beginner's design editor like Dreamweaver (what I use) or CoffeeCup.  You can publish your content directly to the web from the software.
Keep in mind you can't use the software alone.  You must have a web host that will allow you to publish your site to the Internet.
3.  If the main goal of your site is to make money with AdSense, be sure to choose a topic that you know a lot about so you can write lots and lots of content.
4.  Get traffic. Once your site is up and running you'll need to learn how to get your site listed in the major search engines. 
Getting into Google is completely free and can bring in hundreds or even thousands of visitors per day.  All you have to do is submit your site  to them and wait patiently while Google adds it to the index.  It can take a few months.  Patience is key with Google.  Then do the same with Yahoo, MSN, etc.
Read up on how the search engines rank pages here.
And while you're waiting it's important you build up as much unique content around your theme as possible. Google loves large sites with useful content centered around a specific theme.
Don't create a hodgepodge site with topics on everything under the sun. Stay focused and make sure your site has an obvious theme.

Use Site Build It! - A Web Host Made for AdSense

This is a revolutionary web host like no other. I use it for my site, , and after only 11 months the site was earning over $700 per month for AdSense alone. 
Two years after launch, the total monthly earnings shot up to $2,000 to $2,500.
Today, the site continues to earn money from AdSense yet I have no products to sell. I'm simply offering information on a topic I know a lot about and SBI showed me how to rank high in the search engines for various keyword phrases.  Over 90% of traffic comes from the free search engines.
The reason SBI! is different from the other do-it-yourself hosts is that first it provides all the web page building and marketing help all in one place.  Your domain registration, web hosting and marketing help come with the price..

Super Easy Web Page Builder

Creating your pages is as simple as entering text into form fields and using the user-friendly editor to add text, create links, add pictures and more.  No software is needed to install or download.   You simply select a template you want to use and your site is built in seconds...literally.
I took a screenshot of the SBI! interface...

Creating Your Website for AdSense

Before you even begin your site, make sure you've come up with a topic that you feel you know plenty about.  That way it will be easiest to write a lot of content. 
The more content you have, the better chance you have getting accepted into the program.  Also, the more content, the greater the earning potential.  AdSense is nothing but a numbers game.  If you want to make a lot of money, prepare to write a lot of content.
Now let's talk about building your website.  There are two ways you can approach this:
1) Do it Yourself (DIY) from scratch
2) Use Site Build It! (SBI!)

The Do It Yourself Method

I've actually used both methods for building my site and there are advantages and disadvantages to both.
If you use the DIY method, you will have to go and register a domain name( and then sign up for a web host and build your pages.  You can either learn HTML or buy some kind of web editor like Microsoft FrontPage to build your pages.  That's the method I used to build this site.
Averaging between $7 and $15 per month, the DIY method is usually the most cost friendly of the two but you are mostly on your own in terms of learning how to create your web pages and adding the AdSense code to your site. 
Web hosts are generally there to house your site.  They don't specialize in helping you market and optimize your site for the search engines to help you get traffic.  So don't expect a lot from them in terms of helping you market your site and making money with Google AdSense.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.  I had to learn how to build this site on my own and it wasn't very difficult. 
I now manage all of my sites with Dreamweaver.

How Much Can You Earn With AdSense?

Google does not disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked.
The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount.  I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click.
So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt freeemploymentmake moneymp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. 
Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.
Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc.
For example, if you see that you've made $12.60 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-thru commission was $1.40 per click.  That's as detailed as their stats will get.  Also remember, that's only an average.  You won't know how much each specific ad brought in.
The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click.
Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about.  That way you'll have a much easier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject.  

What is AdSense? earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site.  In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.
This program is called AdSense.
Every website owner should at least consider the program.  Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.
So if you are one of those people that doesn't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.